SOS4LOVE Project 2020
Teacher : Mrs.Diana Herawati, S.Pd. Name : Sindy Fatika Sari Class : MIPA 6'18 Number : 33 Week 1 Photo With Astronaut : I choose SDGS number 6 : Clean Water and Sanitation "Let's keep one of the sources of life (water) clean and apply a clean life to our health." Nowadays it's hard enough to find clean water. River water is even murky and saturated with industrial garbage and sewage. The damning areas have become less and less along with the construction. People have begun to forget their responsibility to look after the environment. Fresh water was abundant in its ancient form. The river water was also very clear. My goal: 1. Increasing concern for the environment 2. Living a clean, healthy life 3. Disseminating clean living behavior to the surrounding communities Week 2 Photo With Helmet and Poster : " Body, food, and a clean environment will en...